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Homelands Primary School Believe, Belong, Be Proud!

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Our school values of friendship, respect, independence, curiosity and empowerment are key drivers for our curriculum.  We want our children’s learning to enthuse them to explore, be curious and investigate.  Through a rich and broad variety of learning experiences, our children acquire skills and develop knowledge as their learning empowers them to be critical thinkers and lifelong learners and aspire to make positive changes in the world beyond our school.


Our curriculum builds on the knowledge, conceptual understanding and skills of all children, whatever their starting points, as they progress through each Key Stage in readiness for their next stage of education.


The knowledge of our children and the community in which they live, has shaped what we believe is an exciting curriculum, which provides equality of opportunity for all and meets the needs of all our learners.  Our curriculum has high expectations to combine transferable skills, demonstrate a breadth of vocabulary, develop strong cross curricular links and provide bespoke challenge to all pupils. Inviting learning environments stimulate and engage quality thinking and reasoning.

School Attendance
  • Reception 88.4%
  • Year 1 88.3%
  • Year 2 96.4%
  • Year 3 90.3%
  • Year 4 90.4%
  • Year 5 93.6%
  • Year 6 94.7%
  • School 92%
House Points
  • Anstey's 294
  • Babbacombe 294
  • Meadfoot 234
  • Oddicombe 248