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Homelands Primary School Believe, Belong, Be Proud!

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School Uniform

Our school uniform is as follows:



White polo shirt,navy jogging bottoms, royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan and black shoes (no laces).


Reception Class

White polo shirt, grey trousers, royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan and black shoes (no laces).

In the summer, children can wear grey shorts but we request no dresses or culottes. 


KS1 and KS2 (Years 1 to 6)

White shirt, blouse or polo shirt, grey skirt, pinafore, trousers or shorts, royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan and Black shoes.

In the summer, children can wear blue and white checked uniform.


All children are expected to wear sensible, plain black footwear for school, trainers are not allowed. Sandals should have a strap at the back and socks should be worn.

School branded items such as jumpers, cardigans and book-bags are available from Riviera School Days in Torquay town centre. Parents are free to buy other items from a shop of their choice.
Please speak to the office for pre-loved uniform.

P.E Kit

White t-shirt, blue shorts, blue jogging/tracksuit bottoms (in colder months) and black trainers or plimsolls. 

A change of clothing is essential for P.E. All belongings should be clearly named, kept in a drawstring P.E. bag and taken home regularly for washing.

In the interests of safety, no jewellery other than watches should be worn. “Medic Alert” bracelets are an exception to this rule. We will ask children to remove all jewellery for P.E. If your child has pierced ears, please ensure that small studs are worn for school. Nail varnish is not allowed and we have nail varnish remover in school for children to use if needed. Please let us know if your child has an allergy which prevents them from using this. Please save JoJo bows and large hair-bands for use at home rather than school, although small bows can be worn.
School Attendance
  • Reception 87.5%
  • Year 1 89.5%
  • Year 2 95.6%
  • Year 3 90.4%
  • Year 4 90.9%
  • Year 5 93.2%
  • Year 6 95.1%
  • School 92.2%
House Points
  • Anstey's 294
  • Babbacombe 294
  • Meadfoot 234
  • Oddicombe 248