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Homelands Primary School Believe, Belong, Be Proud!

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Ethos and Values

Here at Homelands, we recognise and value the different needs and strengths of all our pupils and strive to enable all children to achieve their full potential.  We pride ourselves on being a warm, close-knit school community.  We believe that education is a shared partnership between children, parents and school and work to foster this.  Homelands is a happy place where children are valued and where learning is an experience to be enjoyed.  Through a rich variety of learning experiences our children acquire skills and develop knowledge as we strive to empower them to be critical thinkers and lifelong learners who aspire to make positive changes in the world beyond primary school. 


Our values of friendship, respect, independence, curiosity and empowerment focus on the growth and development of the whole child so they can believe, belong and be proud of themselves, each other and our wider community. 

Our School Values


Friendship: Thinking of others and putting their needs before our own; recognising others’ achievements; showing kindness in our words and actions; working together as a team; we are inclusive of all.


Respect: Being kind, thoughtful and considerate of each other, of our resources and of our surroundings; we understand and embrace the differences within our community.


Independence: Having the confidence to make our own decisions; recognising our own abilities, accessing resources to support our learning; having a go and seeking support when needed.


Curiosity: Showing interest in the world and wondering; wanting to know more; asking questions; we take risks and explore.


Empowerment: Using our voices; being confident; knowing our strengths, having pride in these and celebrating them; working hard and striving to be the best we can be; challenging ourselves to achieve more than we ever thought possible.

School Attendance
  • Reception 92.2%
  • Year 1 88.5%
  • Year 2 98.2%
  • Year 3 89.3%
  • Year 4 95.3%
  • Year 5 95%
  • Year 6 94.4%
  • School 93.2%
House Points
  • Anstey's 0
  • Babbacombe 0
  • Meadfoot 0
  • Oddicombe 0