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Homelands Primary School Believe, Belong, Be Proud!

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A Special Parcel!

Last term, all of the classes, from Years 1-6, wrote letters to  a favourite author as a task for an Inspired Write.
I  promised my class at the time ( the current Year 4s) , that if they wrote them up neatly for publication, I would post them to the publishers of each author. One of their chosen authors was David Walliams.
Last week, Mr Codd arrived in my classroom with a very special parcel…. We had received a letter from David Walliams himself, answering some of the questions that the children asked him, and telling us his favourite book to read
(The Twits) and his favourite book to write
 (The Boy in the Dress.)
He sent each child that wrote  to him a signed photo and he also sent a signed copy of his new book, Robodog, to the school!
 I am absolutely delighted that he replied to us, and I can’t wait to frame his letter and put it up in the library for everyone to see!
The book will also take pride of place, ready for class teachers to borrow and read to their classes.
What a special week!
Mrs Murdoch

School Attendance
  • Reception 89.7%
  • Year 1 93.3%
  • Year 2 91.7%
  • Year 3 90.5%
  • Year 4 95.4%
  • Year 5 93.9%
  • Year 6 91.6%
  • School 92.6%
House Points
  • Anstey's 55
  • Babbacombe 43
  • Meadfoot 63
  • Oddicombe 45