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Homelands Primary School Believe, Belong, Be Proud!

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Welcome to Homelands Nursery

Nursery teachers are Mrs Smethurst and Ms Sercombe.

Mrs Hawkes is our nursery nurse.



  Phonics in Nursery:

Nursery topic plan for this term.

Nursery Vocabulary for this term

Week starting the 20th of January continued. Please scroll down for more photos.

Week starting the 20th of January. We enjoyed doing PE in the big hall with our friends in Reception class.

14th of January. Please scroll down for more photographs of our adventures in nursery.

Week beginning the 13th of January. Please scroll down for more photos!

Welcome to all of our new nursery friends. We had a lovely first week together with all of the existing nursery children as well.

Making Christmas bauble sun catchers.

Making Christmas cards.

Our new topic is Christmas. Today we decorated Christmas biscuits.

Today we had a visit from Chris and his animals. Chris told us all about nocturnal animals and about the difference between mammals, birds, reptiles and insects. Gizmo the gecko had really big eyes to see in the dark and beautiful patterns on her skin. He brought in an armadillo to show us. The armadillo used its wiggly nose and excellent sense of smell to find the worms that Chris fed to it.Then he showed us Bindi the 24 year old Royal Python. She was a really big snake. We had to hold our hands out flat to hold her gently. Then we met Hewick the 9 year old barn owl. We had to use a glove to hold her as she had sharp talons. Last of all we met the sun beetles. We saw the cocoons and grubs as well, so that we could see the whole life cycle.

Making chocolate sparklers to celebrate bonfire night.

16th of October. Making clay diva lamps for Diwali.

15th of October. Our new topic is Diwali.

Week starting the 7th of October.

Week starting the 16th of September

Thursday 12th September

School Attendance
  • Reception 88.4%
  • Year 1 88.3%
  • Year 2 96.4%
  • Year 3 90.3%
  • Year 4 90.4%
  • Year 5 93.6%
  • Year 6 94.7%
  • School 92%
House Points
  • Anstey's 294
  • Babbacombe 294
  • Meadfoot 234
  • Oddicombe 248