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Homelands Primary School Believe, Belong, Be Proud!

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Welcome to Homelands Nursery

Nursery teachers are Mrs Smethurst and Ms Sercombe.

Mrs Hawkes is our nursery nurse.


Some special words we are learning this term in nursery.

We have a dinosaur topic in nursery at the moment.

Volcano experiment!

Just before and just after half term. Making fruit salad, dance lessons and growing plants.

21st May. Today we planted beetroot and tomatoes. We also roleplayed being dentists with our new dentist sets.

9th to the 15th of May. Our new topic is based around two story books, 'Oliver's Vegetables' and 'Oliver's Fruit Salad'.

May photos. We have been busy planting flowers and learning about minibeasts.

Today Mrs Smethurst's baby chicks came to visit the children in nursery class. They are 1 week old and are called Daffodil (Daffy) and Bluebell (Bell). We learnt all about chicken lifecycles and how to care for baby chicks.

Today Anna from the Big Brush Club came to nursery to talk to all of the children about healthy eating to protect our teeth and all about tooth brushing. We learnt a lot from Anna and enjoyed exploring and playing with the things that she brought in to show us.

29th of April. this week we are learning about lifecycles.

April fun in nursery class. This term we are having some dance lessons from a specialist dance teacher.

Today we did sports day practice on the field and the next group went to the staff car park to learn about the cars and to do a tally chart.

Today we visited the staff car park to look at and learn about the cars. We also did a tally chart of all of the cars going past. We have also welcomed three new children to nursery class, Amelia, Lara and Otis. We hope they will have lots of fun getting to know their new friends.

Welcome back to the Summer Term. We are learning about transport for the first two weeks of the Summer Term.

Our Easter egg hunt- we had lots of fun! We also made yummy chocolate nest cakes. Happy Easter everyone!

Getting ready for sports day by doing some relay races. Celebrating Easter.

Today we planted beans in plastic containers. When they have started to grow we will bring them home to grow in our gardens. I wonder if any will be as tall as Jack's giant beanstalk? We also planted lots of flowers and herbs in our outside planters.

20th of February. We made fresh playdough today. We have put the recipe for you to try to make some at home if you would like to.

6th of February. Today we learned about bigger, smaller, taller and shorter. We retold the 3 Billy Goats Gruff story outside.

1st, 2nd and 5th of February. Please scroll down for older photos.

30th of January. Please scroll down for older photos.

10th January. We went on a walk to explore the school grounds. We did lots of running and races to keep warm. please scroll down for last week's photos.

9th of January. What a cold day! Please scroll down for the next set of photos.

Happy New Year to all of our nursery families! We would also like to say a huge 'welcome' to Pearl, Lilith, Isabella and Caleb, who have just started in nursery.

Merry Christmas!

Please look at the vocabulary list for the Spring Term.

Please look at this terms topics.

Nursery and Reception Nativity

Our trip to St Mary the Virgin Church, St Marychurch. Father Nick showed us around his church. We all had a really lovely time learning all about the church. Thank you father Nick!

December. We are all very excited about Christmas! We have been busy practicing our Nativity play and doing lots of fun Christmas crafts.

Nursery and Reception class want to say a huge 'Thank You' to the friends of Homelands who have kindly donated a brand new mud kitchen to our Foundation Stage outdoor area. We have loved playing with it today and were so excited when it arrived! Don't forget to scroll down to the bottom of the page to see older photos.

Children in Need. We had two fantastic days in nursery celebrating Children in Need!

Please take the time to look at these websites:

Please click on the PDF for important information about reading and sharing books.

Please click on the PDF to see our vocabulary list for this term.

Please click on the PDF to read about this term's topics.

Story Time

In Nursery we encourage and support children to become confident and independent learners. We provide a rich learning environment which encourages a high degree of autonomy so that children can quickly learn to be responsible for their own learning and can plan and organise their time. We believe that children should be allowed to develop at their own pace. The needs of each child vary and we cater for them as individuals.


Nursery is the first class of the Foundation Stage. Foundation stage is a vital part in your child’s ongoing education. A positive start to school, where a love of exploration and learning is fostered, sets children up for a love of learning as they continue their education journey. We work closely with parents and carers to develop a partnership between home and school in order to share together the importance of these early years in your child’s education.              


Nursery starts the term after your child is three and continues until they start the Reception Year of primary school. We work closely with the Reception Class and share a large outside space. The Foundation Unit as a whole contains two large classrooms, a spacious outside area, a kitchen and toilets. We also benefit from having a small cosy room within Nursery where we have our class library and reading area. This small room is also used for group work. In addition the children have the opportunity to access various spaces throughout the wider school grounds; hall, cooking room, the field and the nature garden. The nature garden is often used by us for additional outdoor learning opportunities and has a pond and woodland areas.                                                         


You may think that children are ‘just playing’ when you see young children in Foundation Stage. However, if you look more closely, you will see that a whole world of learning is happening. We carefully plan playful, purposeful activities to suit the needs and interests of the children, in order to support them and to help to move their learning forward. Young children are ‘active learners’ and the experiences that we plan enhance the all-round development of the child. We want all children to feel valued as individuals and to be successful achievers in a safe, secure, nurturing environment. Spontaneous learning opportunities are recognised and extended by the teacher as they occur. Through play, and with the support of adults in class, children explore and discover new ideas, skills and concepts.



What most children are expected to know and understand during the Foundation Stage is set out in the government’s

Early Years foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS). The curriculum is organised into 7 areas of learning.

  1. Communication and Language
  2. Physical Development
  3. Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  4. Literacy
  5. Mathematics
  6. Understanding the world
  7. Expressive Arts and Design

For more information on any curriculum matters please see a member of the Nursery Team or refer to your prospectus.



Rain or shine, our outside environment is open for the children to explore. The outdoors is a natural teaching and learning environment and is where most children feel settled and capable. Outdoor teaching and learning is as carefully planned, just as it is indoors. The only real difference between the indoor and outdoor curriculum is that the outdoors provides children with the opportunity to work on a much larger scale and to be more physically active.


The practitioners in Homelands Nursery are Mrs Smethurst, Mrs Birks, Mrs Hawkes, and Miss Bradford.


Most of all, all members of the Nursery team, want your child to have a happy, positive and exciting experience. We want their day to be filled with purposeful play, making friendships, learning, developing and lots of fun!


Each term we will be ' show-casing' our learning through our class page.

Making chocolate chip Diwali cakes to share with our families and to eat at snack time. we also used the puppets to re-tell the story of Rama and Sita. We also played our friends lotto game today and went to the library.

13th of November. What a busy day! We have still been learning about Diwali. We learnt about positional language with the little teddies. We also went to the big playground. We have also started brushing our teeth in class.

9th and 10th of November. Learning all about Poppy Day. We stood outside with reception class for the 2 minute silence and made potato print poppy pictures.

Happy Diwali! We are learning about the festival of Diwali. We are making diva lamps, making coconut barfi, making special Diwali cakes and listening to Indian music.

Happy Halloween 🎃 We have had lots of spooky fun in nursery. We carved out pumpkins, using spoons and our hands. We hammered golf tees into a pumpkin to help with our fine motor skills. We did some Halloween crafts, such as, little cotton wool ghosts, handprint spiders and apple prints to make little pumpkins. We talked about how we celebrate Halloween with our families and what we are going to dress up as. Please scroll down to see older photos.

Making yummy bread hedgehogs.

We have been having lots of fun in nursery. We are learning about harvest and autumn. We have enjoyed making clay hedgehogs this week. Please scroll down to the bottom of the webpage to see the older photos.

Today we made delicious apple crumble. We mixed, poured and used our fingers to make the crumbly topping.

Today we went to the sensory room and the library for the first time with Miss Bradford and Mrs Hawkes.

Welcome to our new nursery children- Abel, Preston, James, Isaac, Jaxon, Joseph, Elijah, Kaylee, Emilee, Daisy and Poppy. Welcome back to our existing nursery children - Bea and Vinny. We have been enjoying meeting new friends and exploring in nursery.

School Attendance
  • Reception 89.7%
  • Year 1 93.3%
  • Year 2 91.7%
  • Year 3 90.5%
  • Year 4 95.4%
  • Year 5 93.9%
  • Year 6 91.6%
  • School 92.6%
House Points
  • Anstey's 55
  • Babbacombe 43
  • Meadfoot 63
  • Oddicombe 45