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Homelands Primary School Believe, Belong, Be Proud!

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Welcome to Reception!

Your Class Teachers are Mrs Donovan and Mrs Light.


Miss Brabson and Mrs Hutchinson will be supporting in class.

P.E will be on Thursday morning.


If you wish to pass on a message please use the class email address or contact the school office or telephone: 01803 328264.



Each term we will be 'show-casing' our learning through our class page right here so please check back regularly for new updates on our learning in Reception. (Scroll down to see older images!)

Reception have been creating fruit salads and tasting fruit after reading Handa's Surprise. We discussed healthy eating and preparing fruit in a safe way. Well done to everyone who tried something new!

Exploring 'People Who Help Us' through the Little Village People role play:

The children have enjoyed having Chris and his nocturnal animals to visit today. They were respectful, curious, kind and thoughtful when learning about the amazing animals and asked lots of thoughtful questions to further their own knowledge and understanding:

Reception class have enjoyed making bread hedgehogs, using all their senses, turn taking and listening skills to follow the recipe:

Exploring mark making, motor skills, patterns and letters:

We have been hunting for signs of Autumn in the garden:

During our first few weeks in Reception, we have been learning to work as a team, developing our fine and gross motor skills, identifying our emotions and getting to know each other. We have also been learning how to read simple maps.

School Attendance
  • Reception 89.7%
  • Year 1 93.3%
  • Year 2 91.7%
  • Year 3 90.5%
  • Year 4 95.4%
  • Year 5 93.9%
  • Year 6 91.6%
  • School 92.6%
House Points
  • Anstey's 55
  • Babbacombe 43
  • Meadfoot 63
  • Oddicombe 45